Tag: dallas

On her sophomore release, Actor, Annie Clark ( a.k.a. St. Vincent) continues to woo listeners with her rich voice and lush orchestration. But don’t let the ethereal facade fool you. Clark’s lyrics reveal stories of dishonesty, anxiety, hurt and paranoia so beautifully, you may not immediately sense the dark undercurrents of her words. On “Actor… Read more »

Old 97’s – “Won’t Be Home” This track from 2004’s album Drag it Up features the signature energetic style of Old 97’s. Originally from Dallas, Old 97’s have made a 15 year career of it, most recently releasing their seventh studio album, Blame it on Gravity. Lead singer Rhett Miller, is joining KXT for June’s… Read more »

Fate Lions

Local rockers Fate Lions stopped by the KXT studio for a live performance on Wednesday, December 16th 2009. Though they produce a throwback sound akin to ’80s pop icons like R.E.M. and Elvis Costello, Fate Lions push the genre forward on their debut record Good Enough For You. This band, which the Fort Worth Weekly… Read more »

Danny Balis

Dallas singer-songwriter Danny Balis’ solo album Too Much Living was released this year to local raves and was featured on Paul Slavens’ Track by Track podcast. The simplicity of old-school country songs by artists like Patsy Cline and Merle Haggard influenced Balis at an early age, and he greatly admires Townes Van Zandt as a… Read more »