A look at the highlights from our media team’s coverage of the final days of SXSW.
March 18, 2013 by Dane Walters
A look at the highlights from our media team’s coverage of the final days of SXSW.
April 2, 2012 by Sarah Jane Semrad
Check out the adorable new video for Little Boxes by Walk Off The Earth, one of KXT’s Summer Cut artists. (Source: http://www.youtube.com/)
March 5, 2012 by Sarah Jane Semrad
In all of your KXT Summer Cut preparations and cyber-stalking of bands, don’t leave Walk Off The Earth off your list. Their Gotye cover of Somebody That I Used To Know (uh. 67 MILLION+ hits and counting) is what put them on the map, but it seems as if everything they do is *just* as… Read more »