Win tickets to Paul Slavens’ 9th Anniversary Party at Dan’s Silver Leaf on August 15!
Paul Slavens’ 9th Anniversary Party!
July 30, 2013 by Sarah Jane Semrad
July 30, 2013 by Sarah Jane Semrad
Win tickets to Paul Slavens’ 9th Anniversary Party at Dan’s Silver Leaf on August 15!
July 28, 2013 by Paul Slavens
Here’s our blog for this evening. Tune in – and give me your suggestions!
July 21, 2013 by Paul Slavens
This is where you can leave suggestions for music to be played on next Sunday nights installment of the Paul Slavens Show. Be a part of the playlist, jump on the blog and share your great musical taste !!
July 7, 2013 by Paul Slavens
Every Sunday Paul plays a selection of tunes suggested on the previous weeks blog. Jump on and add your input to this Sundays show ! Its an eclectic mix, and you can help !
June 30, 2013 by Paul Slavens
Every week this blog is the place to leave your suggestions for interesting music to be played on next Sundays show. Be a part of the playlist ! Jump on and join in.
June 23, 2013 by Paul Slavens
Every week this blog provides a way for you to help program the Paul Slavens Show. Jump on , see what others are suggesting, make a few suggestions of your own then tune in next Sunday to listen !
June 2, 2013 by Paul Slavens
Every week listeners jump on this blog and give their suggestions for tracks to play during the show. Why not check it out yourself, see what others are listening to and add your own suggestions.
May 26, 2013 by Paul Slavens
Every week you are invited to jump on this blog and give your suggestions for music to played on the next Paul Slavens Show. Then tune in and hear how you sound in the mix. Its fun and a great way to turn the world on to your favorite music.
May 19, 2013 by Paul Slavens
Every week Paul asks his listeners to suggest music for the next Sunday nights show. Jump on this blog and see what others are suggesting and leave some ideas of your own, then tune in and you may hear yourself in the mix !!
May 12, 2013 by Paul Slavens
Every Sunday from 8-10pm The Paul Slavens Show brings you a wide ranging variety of music. This blog is where listeners suggest the tracks that largely make up the playlist. Jump on and help Paul make next weeks playlist.