Garrett Owen, Buddy Holly, Moby — here’s what you heard this morning on KXT.
October 4, 2017 by Lauren Menking
Garrett Owen, Buddy Holly, Moby — here’s what you heard this morning on KXT.
June 26, 2013 by Sarah Jane Semrad
Enter to win tickets to see The National and Tame Impala on October 12.
January 30, 2013 by Sarah Jane Semrad
Enter to win tickets to see Morrissey on February 18!
November 12, 2012 by Sarah Jane Semrad
KXT Presents The Wallflowers at the South Side Music Hall (adjacent to Palladium Ballroom) on Friday, November 16.
July 23, 2012 by Sarah Jane Semrad
Like whoa. New Order is coming to Palladium Ballroom in Dallas on October 12.
July 10, 2012 by Sarah Jane Semrad
Calling all Ryan Bingham fans! KXT listeners get first crack at tickets for the October 3 show at Palladium Ballroom. Visit this special link**. Then enter your radio code KXTRADIO. And boom. It pays to listen to KXT. And follow KXT on Twitter. And read the blog. And… **The KXT presale runs: this Thurs, July 12… Read more »