“Ghost” — Parekh & Singh

Photo by Parizad D.
This Friday, we are checking out a tune from the Indian dream-pop duo Parekh & Singh. Hailing from Kolkata, West Bengal, India, the duo has made the giant leap from the Asian subcontinent to our eyes and ears.
Sonically, their stripped down music compliments Parekh’s bright and airy vocals. My first listen brought Belle & Sebastian and The Kings of Convenience to mind. Visually, their video is heavily influenced by fellow Texan Wes Anderson. The bright and bold colors coupled with an over saturated and intensely specific mise-en-scène is a lovely addition to this quiet and sunny song. Their first video, “I Love You Baby, I Love You Doll”, was shot for a measly $5,000 (USD) and is stunning in and of itself, but for something so creative and delightful to be produced on such a small budget is no small feat.
I find that is best enjoyed on a weekend morning with your favorite warm beverage of choice. A smile is optional — but it helps.
Try it on for size.
— Dave Emmert